Insights on privacy governance

data protection, David Vladeck, EU Data Protection Directive, Federal Trade Commission, FTC, ILITA, OECD, privacy, privacy enforcement, privacy governance, privacygenerations

Data Commissioners Conference in Jerusalem Focuses on Future of Privacy, Cooperation and Enforcement

By InfoLawGroup LLP on November 02, 2010

Last week, we joined privacy regulators, practitioners and industry representatives from around the world in Jerusalem for the 32nd International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners. On numerous panels, conference participants engaged in lively discussions about privacy compliance and enforcement as well as the future of privacy in light of evolving consumer expectations and advances in technology that tracks and identifies individuals.

compliance, contract management, data protection, data security, information governance, information security, management, pia, privacy, privacy audit, privacy governance, privacy impact assessment, procurement, risk management, security governance, standards

Information Governance

By W. Scott Blackmer on May 06, 2010

Security governance is often well established in large organizations, but privacy governance typically lags. It is time for a broader approach to "information governance" that focusses on the kinds of sensitive data handled by the enterprise and establishes policies to assure compliance and effective risk management, as well as better customer, employee, government, and business relations.