Apple, Apps, Commission, data, Data Privacy Law or Regulation, Department, Department of Justice, Devices, DOJ, Federal, Federal Trade Commission, Franken, FTC, Google, group, Hearing, InfoLawGroup, information, information law group, InformationLawGroup, Justice, Law, Leahy, Legislation, location, location data, location tracking, Mobile, Mobile Devices, of, or, privacy, privacy legislation, Regulation, Senate, smartphones, tracking, Trade, wifi
Senate Subcommittee Holds Hearing on Mobile Privacy
By InfoLawGroup LLP on May 09, 2011
2011, Act, advertising, Behavioral, behavioral advertising, bill, Commercial, Commercial Privacy Bill of Rights Act of 2011, data, Data Privacy Law or Regulation, FTC, group, identifiable, InfoLawGroup, information, information law group, InformationLawGroup, Kerry, Law, Legislation, McCain, of, or, personally, personally identifiable information, pii, privacy, privacy bill of rights, privacy enforcement, privacy legislation, Regulation, rights, Senate
Kerry Releases Draft of "Privacy Bill of Rights"
By InfoLawGroup LLP on March 25, 2011
Breach, Congress, data, Data Privacy Law or Regulation, Data Trust and Accountability Act, Data Trust and Accountability Act Breach, H-R-2221, Law, notification, or, privacy, Regulation, Security Interview on the Data Accountabilituy and Trust Act
By InfoLawGroup LLP on March 24, 2010
Accountability, Act, and, Breach, breach notification, brokers, Congress, data, Data Accountability and Trust Act, Data Privacy Law or Regulation, data security, H-R-2221, information, information brokers, Law, notification, or, privacy, Regulation, Security, Trust
The Breach Notification Obligations in the Data Accountability and Trust Act
By InfoLawGroup LLP on February 22, 2010