FTC, adtech, Privacy Policy, behavioral advertising
FTC Finalizes $16.5M Settlement with Avast Over Sales of Browsing Data for Ad Targeting
By Benjamin Stein on July 17, 2024
behavioral advertising
The Future Of Behavioral Advertising In Europe And The United States
By Max Landaw on November 20, 2023
behavioral advertising, Children’s Privacy, COPPA, Data Privacy Law, InfoLawGroup, marketing, pii, privacy, Regulations
ALERT: Google’s Plan to Open Its Services to Children Could Spur Changes to COPPA Enforcement
By InfoLawGroup LLP on August 28, 2014
2011, Act, advertising, Behavioral, behavioral advertising, bill, Commercial, Commercial Privacy Bill of Rights Act of 2011, data, Data Privacy Law or Regulation, FTC, group, identifiable, InfoLawGroup, information, information law group, InformationLawGroup, Kerry, Law, Legislation, McCain, of, or, personally, personally identifiable information, pii, privacy, privacy bill of rights, privacy enforcement, privacy legislation, Regulation, rights, Senate
Kerry Releases Draft of "Privacy Bill of Rights"
By InfoLawGroup LLP on March 25, 2011
behavioral advertising, behavioral marketing, chitika, deceptive practices, Federal Trade Commission, FIPPs, FTC Act, FTC consent, InfoLawGroup, information law group, information security, InformationLawGroup, opt-out, privacy enforcement, Section 5, Segalis, tracking, twitter
Privacy Enforcement Update: FTC Settles with Twitter and Chitika
By InfoLawGroup LLP on March 18, 2011
As we have previously reported on our blog, 2011 has seen a whirlwind of privacy enforcement activity. The FTC, NLRB, EEOC, HHS and FINRA have all taken privacy enforcement actions this year. This March, the FTC has announced privacy settlements with Chitika and Twitter.
behavioral advertising, Department of Commerce, Do Not Track, FTC, Hearing, InfoLawGroup, information law group, InformationLawGroup, Leibowitz, privacy, privacy enforcement, privacy legislation, Senate
Senate Committee Holds Hearing on the State of Online Consumer Privacy
By InfoLawGroup LLP on March 16, 2011
behavioral advertising, enforcement, FTC, privacy, privacy by design, start-ups, tracking, venture capital
Privacy a Key Concern (and Opportunity) for Venture Capital Firms
By InfoLawGroup LLP on March 09, 2011
behavioral advertising, choice, Federal Trade Commission, FTC, FTC framework, FTC report, InfoLawGroup, Internet, notice, online privacy, personal information, personally identifiable information, privacy, privacy by design, privacy enforcement, Security, tracking, Vladeck
FTC's Report on Privacy Sets Forth Framework for Consumers, Businesses and Policymakers
By InfoLawGroup LLP on December 01, 2010
On December 1, 2010, the Federal Trade Commission issued a preliminary report entitled "Protecting Consumer Privacy in an Era of Rapid Change, A Proposed Framework for Businesses and Policymakers". The report proposes a framework to balance the privacy interests of consumers with innovation that relies on consumer information to develop beneficial new products and services.
201 CMR 17-00, AES, anonymity, behavioral advertising, breach notification, California, cloud computing, contracts, DPA, Eavesdropping, encryption, EU Data Protection Directive, GLBA, HIPAA, HITECH, IAPP, Kearney, Massachusetts, personally identifiable information, pii, RFID, social networking, spam, SSN, TCPA, telemarketing, text messages, UK ICO, VPPA
Celebrating Data Privacy from A to Z
By InfoLawGroup LLP on January 28, 2010
In honor of Data Privacy Day and its spirit of education, I thought it might be appropriate (and fun) to celebrate some (but certainly not all) of the A, B, Cs of Data Privacy. Would love to see your contributions, too!