Insights on Kerry

2011, Act, advertising, Behavioral, behavioral advertising, bill, Commercial, Commercial Privacy Bill of Rights Act of 2011, data, Data Privacy Law or Regulation, FTC, group, identifiable, InfoLawGroup, information, information law group, InformationLawGroup, Kerry, Law, Legislation, McCain, of, or, personally, personally identifiable information, pii, privacy, privacy bill of rights, privacy enforcement, privacy legislation, Regulation, rights, Senate

Kerry Releases Draft of "Privacy Bill of Rights"

By InfoLawGroup LLP on March 25, 2011

Boucher, InfoLawGroup, information law group, Kerry, Legislation, privacy, Red Flags Rule, Segalis

Support for Privacy Legislation Survives Change of Power in Congress; Privacy Legislation May Advance

By InfoLawGroup LLP on January 26, 2011

Last week, Politico ran an interesting piece suggesting that federal privacy legislation may see the light of day in 2011. Democratic supporters of the legislation show no signs of slowing down. In the Senate, John Kerry (D-Mass.) is working on privacy legislation based on a bill he proposed last year. Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.), Chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, is planning to hold public hearings on Internet privacy starting in February. Of course the key to the success of federal privacy legislation lies in the House, and there Republicans have voiced support for a privacy bill as well. Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations at the House Energy and Commerce Committee, has said that the privacy bill introduced last year by former representative Rick Boucher (D-Va.) could be revised and reintroduced with Republican support (Rep. Stearns co-sponsored the Boucher bill). This sentiment was echoed by Rep. Mary Bono Mack (R-Calif.), Chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade. According to Politico, Rep. Bono Mack informed her colleagues on the subcommittee that she remains committed to addressing privacy issues.