Insights on EU Directive

Boris Segalis, cross-border, Dan Or-Hof, data protection, data transfer, EU Data Protection Directive, EU Directive, European Commission, ILITA, InfoLawGroup, information law group, Israel, model clauses, Privacy Protection Act, Safe Harbor, Yoram Hacohen

EU Confirms Adequacy of Data Protection in Israel, Simplifies Personal Data Transfers

By InfoLawGroup LLP on February 01, 2011

Dan Or-Hof, a privacy and technology partner at the Israeli law firm Pearl Cohen Zedek Latzer is reporting that the EU Commission published the much-anticipated announcement on the adequacy of data protection law in Israel. Published on January 31, 2011, the decision adopted by the Commission determines that Israel provides an adequate level of protection for personal data transferred from the EU, however only in relation to automated international data transfers and to automated processing of data in Israel.

data protection, data transfer, EU Data Protection Directive, EU Directive, European Commission, European Union, Legislation, OECD, privacy, privacygenerations

European Commission Announces Strategy for Revising EU Data Protection Rules

By InfoLawGroup LLP on November 04, 2010

Earlier today, the European Commission released documents setting out the road map for revision of the European data protection rules, including the EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC. The strategy is based on the Commission's position that an individual's ability to control his or her information, have access to the information, and modify or delete the information are "essential rights that have to be guaranteed in today's digital world." The Commission set out a strategy on how to protect personal data while reducing barriers for businesses and ensuring free flow of personal data within the European Union.

Cloud, cloud computing, EU, EU Data Protection Directive, EU Directive, European Union, Germany, international data transfers, Safe Harbor, transborder data flows

European Reservations?

By W. Scott Blackmer on August 25, 2010

German state data protection authorities have recently criticized both cloud computing and the EU-US Safe Harbor Framework. From some of the reactions, you would think that both are in imminent danger of a European crackdown. That's not likely, but the comments reflect some concerns with recent trends in outsourcing and transborder data flows that multinationals would be well advised to address in their planning and operations.

Binding Corporate Rules, clauses, cloud computing, consent, contract, controller, EU, EU Data Protection Directive, EU Directive, European Union, offshoring, outsourcing, processor, Safe Harbor, sstandard, standard contractual clauses

Do the New EU Processing Clauses Apply to You?

By W. Scott Blackmer on June 10, 2010

A new set of EU standard contract clauses ("SCCs" or "model contracts") for processing European personal data abroad came into effect on May 15, 2010. Taken together with a recent opinion by the official EU "Article 29" working group on the concepts of "controller" and "processor" under the EU Data Protection Directive, this development suggests that it is time to review arrangements for business process outsourcing, software as a service (SaaS), cloud computing, and even interaffiliate support services, when they involve storing or processing personal data from Europe in the United States, India, and other common outsourcing locations.

cloud computing, EU Directive, international data transfers, model contracts, outsourcing, standard contract clauses, standard contractual clauses, transborder data flows

EU Adopts New Standard Contract Clauses for Foreign Processors

By W. Scott Blackmer on February 08, 2010

The European Commission has announced a new set of standard contractual clauses to be used in agreements with processors located outside the EU / EEA. The new SCCs represent an effort to better ensure privacy protection when European personal data are passed on to subcontractors in business process outsourcing, cloud computing, and other contexts of successive data sharing.

Breach, contracting, e-Discovery, Electronic evidence, EU Directive, IaaS, outsourcing, PaaS, privacy, SaaS, Security, service provider

Legal Implications of Cloud Computing -- Part One (the Basics and Framing the Issues)

By InfoLawGroup LLP on August 16, 2009

I had the pleasure of hearing an excellent presentation by Tanya Forsheit on the legal issues arising out of cloud computing during the ABA Information Security Committee's recent meeting (at the end of July) in Chicago. The presentation resulted in a spirited debate between several attorneys in the crowd. The conversation spilled over into happy hour and became even more interesting. The end result: my previous misunderstanding of cloud computing as "just outsourcing" was corrected, and now I have a better appreciation of what "the cloud" is and the legal issues cloud computing raises.